News & Information
2024.10.25 | Mr. Tajima received a Executive Committee Award of The 53rd Conference of Heterocyclic Chemistry Yamaguchi, Japan. |
2024.10.02 | We welcomed new lab members. |
2024.06.29 | Mr. Kitamura received a Presentation Award of the 61st Joint Meeting of Kyushu Branches of Chemistry Related Societies. |
2024.05.25 | Mr. Kataoka received the Best Poster Presentation Award of the 34th Banyu Fukuoka Symposium. |
2024.05.07 | Prof. Ohshima received The 2024 Nagase Science Technology Award. |
2024.04.23 | Dr. Tsuji, Mr. Kataoka, Mr. Koga, and Mr. Honda received the Best Student Presentation Award of The 144th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. |

Prof. Takashi Ohshima
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University
Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8582, Japan
TEL: +81-92-642-6650 FAX: +81-92-642-6650

2024.11.01 | Volleyball event are uploaded. >>Photo |
2024.10.25 | Photographs of Welcome party are uploaded. >>Photo |
2024.10.02 | Photographs of Lab. BBQ are uploaded. >>Photo |
2024.07.17 | Our new paper is accepted on J. Org. Chem. >>Publication |
2024.05.22 | Our new paper is accepted on Front. Chem. >>Publication |